Watch Vanishing Point (1971) Online Streaming


Kowalski works for a car delivery service. He takes delivery of a 1970 Dodge Challenger to take from Colorado to San Fransisco, California. Shortly after pickup, he takes a bet to get the car there in less than 15 hours.

Watch carefully because everything happens fast. The chase. The desert. The shack. The girl. The roadblock. The end.

Movie details Vanishing Point

Release : 1971-01-15
Genre : Action, Drama, Thriller
Runtime : 99 minutes
Company : Cupid Productions, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

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Barry NewmanasKowalski
Cleavon LittleasSuper Soul
Dean JaggerasProspector
Victoria MedlinasVera Thornton
Gilda TexterasNude Rider
Lee WeaverasJake
Timothy ScottasAngel
Robert DonnerasOld Cop
Paul KosloasYoung Cop
Cherie FosterasFirst Girl
Charlotte RamplingasThe Hitchhiker
Tom ReeseasSheriff
Valerie KairysasSecond Girl
Severn DardenasJ. Hovah
Karl SwensonasClerk
Owen BushasCommunications Officer
Anthony JamesasFirst Male Hitchhiker
Arthur MaletasSecond Male Hitchhiker
John AmosasSuper Soul's Engineer

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