Watch Johnny Mnemonic (1995) Online Streaming


The year is 2021, and half of the Earth's population is suffering from the disease known as Nerve Attenuation Syndrome (NAS). Johnny, a mnemonic data courier, is hired to carry 320 gigabytes of crucial information to safety from the Pharmacom corporation. Pursued by Yakuza agents and a crazed cyborg, Johnny must deliver the data or die in twenty-four hours.

The hottest data on earth. In the coolest head in town.

Movie details Johnny Mnemonic

Release : 1995-04-15
Genre : Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller
Runtime : 92 minutes
Company : TriStar Pictures, Alliance Communications Corporation

watch 'Johnny Mnemonic' online


Keanu ReevesasJohnny Mnemonic
Dina MeyerasJane
Takeshi KitanoasTakahashi
Denis AkiyamaasShinji
Dolph LundgrenasStreet Preacher
Henry RollinsasSpider
Barbara SukowaasAnna Kalmann
Udo KierasRalfi
Tracy TweedasPretty
Falconer AbrahamasYomamma
Don FrancksasHooky
Diego ChambersasHenson
Sherry MillerasTakahashi's Secretary
Arthur EngasViet
Von FloresasViet
Victoria TengelisasPharmakom Receptionist
Warren SulatyckyasYakuza Operator
Celina WuasMikiyo
Gene MackasLaslo
Jamie ElmanasToad
Simon SinnasMan in Hotel Lobby
Caitlin CarmodyasTwin in Hotel Lobby
Erin CarmodyasTwin in Hotel Lobby
Douglas O'KeeffeasPharmakom Security Officer
Marlow VellaasLotek Kid
Howard SzaferasStrike
Paul BrogrenasStump
Arthi SambasivanasNurse
Michael A. MirandaasStick (as Silvio Oliviero)
Coyote ShiversasBuddy
Lynne AdamsasYakuza with Rocket Launcher
Michael ShearerasYakuza Partner
Susan TsagkarisasOpera Singer
Christopher ComrieasBeijing Riot Newscaster
Robin CrosbyasGirl in Hotel Room
Glenn BangasBandleader (uncredited)
Natalie GrayasTall Chinese Man (uncredited)

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Vernetzt Johnny Mnemonic Wikipedia
Vernetzt Johnny Mnemonic ist ein Film des US-amerikanischen Regisseurs Robert Longo aus dem Jahr 1995. Der Actionfilm basiert auf der zum Science-Fiction Sub ...
Vernetzt - Johnny Mnemonic: Keanu Reeves, Dolph ... - Kaufen Sie Vernetzt - Johnny Mnemonic gnstig ein. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer ...
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In 2021, the whole world is connected by the gigantic Internet, and almost a half of the population is suffering from the Nerve Attenuation Syndrome (NAS).Johnny with ...
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OFDb - Vernetzt - Johnny Mnemonic (1995)
Von Robert Longo. Mit Keanu Reeves, Dina Meyer, Ice-T, Takeshi Kitano, Dennis Akayama und Dolph Lundgren.
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