Watch Dr. No (1962) Online Streaming


When Strangways, the British SIS Station Chief in Jamaica goes missing, MI6 send James Bond - Agent 007 to investigate. His investigation leads him to the mysterious Crab Key; the secret base of Dr No who he suspects is trying to sabotage the American space program using a radio beam. With the assistance of local fisherman Quarrel, who had been helping Strangways, Bond sneaks onto Crab Key where he meets the beautiful Honey Ryder. Can the three of them defeat an army of henchmen and a "fire breathing dragon" in order to stop Dr No, save the space program and get revenge for Strangways? Dr. No is the first film of legendary James Bond series starring Sean Connery in the role of Fleming's British super agent.

NOW meet the most extraordinary gentleman spy in all fiction!

Movie details Dr. No

Release : 1962-10-05
Genre : Action, Adventure, Thriller
Runtime : 110 minutes
Company : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Eon Productions

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Sean ConneryasJames Bond
Ursula AndressasHoney Ryder
Joseph WisemanasDr. No
Jack LordasFelix Leiter
Bernard LeeasM
Anthony DawsonasProfessor Dent
Zena MarshallasMiss Taro
John KitzmillerasQuarrel
Eunice GaysonasSylvia Trench
Lois MaxwellasMiss Moneypenny
Peter BurtonasMajor Boothroyd
Louis BlaazerasPleydell-Smith

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James Bond 007 jagt Dr. No Wikipedia
James Bond 007 jagt Dr. No ist ein britischer Spielfilm nach der gleichnamigen Romanvorlage von Ian Fleming . Es ist der erste Film der James-Bond -Reihe, die auf ...
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James Bond 007 jagt Dr. No Film 1963 Trailer Kritik ...
James Bond 007 jagt Dr. No, Der erste Agententhriller der erfolgreichsten Filmreihe der Welt. Als Action Kino Film 1963 von Terence Young mit Sir Sean Connery, Joseph ... Dr. No
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Dr. No Wikipedia
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James Bond jagt Dr. No
Originaltitel: Dr. No: Produktionsjahr: 1962: Lnge: 105 Minuten: Deutscher Kinostart: 24.01.1963: Verleih: United Artits: Regie: Terence Young: Produzenten
Promotion: Dr. No! | ZEIT ONLINE
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